
日英表現(経済) 投稿日 投稿者
利下げ期待強まり続伸(~continues to rise on strong interest-rat-cut expectation.) 2012/06/22
大引けにかけ続伸(~continues to rise toward afternoon closing.) 2012/06/21
~株の小幅安も心理的なマイナスに働いている(A slight dip in ~ stock prices has had a negative psychological impact on the market.) 2012/06/21
~からもみ合う展開(~struggles to find direction due to~) 2012/06/20
~不透明感が強まっている(~is now greater uncertainty~) 2012/06/19
円高の進行から続落(~continues to fall on advancing Yen’s rise.) 2012/06/19
4日ぶりに反発(~rebounds for the first time in 4 Days.) 2012/06/18
円高嫌気から小反発(~rebounds slightly due to Yen’s rise.) 2012/06/17
模様眺めで小動き(~moves slightly on wai-and-see attitude.) 2012/06/16
手詰り感強く続落(~continues to fall on strong stalemale mood.) 2012/06/16
手掛かり難で続落(~continues to fall on lack of incentives) 2012/06/16
手掛かり難で小動き(~moves slightly on lack of incentives.) 2012/06/16
もみ合いで小動き(~moves slightly in hovering market.) 2012/06/15
押し目買いで反発(~rebound on dip buying.) 2012/06/15
売り買い交錯で小動き(~moves slightlly in mixed trading.) 2012/06/15