DEPRO’s contributions to society/Sustainability
We have been thinking seriously
what we can do for our community. Since we are a small company, we can not do a big thing,
but that does not mean we can not do anything. As a single person, as a company staff,
as a member of community, we are positively doing WHAT WE CAN DO
for the people, for our country, for the environment.
Approach for environment
We participate in global warming countermeasure activity which is led by a committee of our office building. Since this building is owned by a half-public organization, they have a clear numeric target to follow. We are positively cooperating to realize this target.
Contributing to Our Communities
★Support for a local public school

Invited to provide a lesson for career support.
Introduced “localization” jobs to junior high school students.
Creating a safe and healthy work environment
Since the company founded in 1999, our policy has been “Company Staff is the most valuable treasures”. We are very flexible for the staff who contributes to our company and our target is to create a company in which we can continue working at all our life stages. Staffs who have kids, parents who need nursing care are working as our core staff. We are also monitoring the government guidelines and try to follow up. For example, we modified our working policy and rule document to extend staff’s retirement age to 65. In addition to the national health insurance, we offer private health insurance to all employees. We endeavor to make the lives of employees comfortable and fulfilling, provide an employee friendly working
environment, and respect their personalities and individuality.
DEPRO’s CSR activities are based on our belief that CSR is at the heart of management itself.
Our CSR activities are greatly appreciated by local communities.