Hello and Welcom to DEPRO

Shojun Sunagawa
CEO, DEPRO Co., Ltd.
The revolutionary changes brought about by the advancement of the Internet and information technology has brought the world closer together than ever before. Today, we communicate by ways and means that would have been unimaginable in their level of sophistication just a decade ago.
Globalization in its true sense should accompany increased learning and use of foreign languages by other cultures. To a certain extent, the development of communication technology has helped strengthen and increase the number of links to foreign languages and cultures. Although cultural factors also hinder free communication between people who speak different languages, demand is still high for translation and communication-support technology that allow one to overcome such language barriers.
As a professional supporting the needs of business communication & presentation and the promotion of free exchange of ideas, it is my sincere desire to facilitate and foster and improve all forms of communication & presentation so as to promote deeper understanding and exchange between all cultures and communities of the world. Our staffs are all hghly skilled and motivated professionals, each with a strong desire to provide our customers with products and services of outstanding quality.
Speak to Depro. We have the solution to your communication needs.